Saturday, February 6, 2010

Let's Hear It For The Boys!

Or.. let's just hear about something for the boys. Sitting around last night talking with friends, we came to the conclusion that there aren't enough boy bloggers. I'm not sure why that is, whether the products are less attainable, or the guys just don't care, lol. In any case, I said I'd gladly blog boys stuffs, if I had it to blog... or I'd at least take pics and blog the info if I had a wonderful male assistant to dress up. As it so happens, I do. So, AtomicSparkle Skytower, owner of AtomicBambi, shot over her newest release, a male skin and shape  line called Christian.

Realistically detailed, super handsome, and comes in 3 skin tones, we're showing you Sunblush, with hair base and without.  You have two options for  body hair, as well as freckle options.
There are 6 skins in each pack, featuring  8 different facial and body hair options  - and great value at 975L per pack!
As if that weren't enough, there's a sale! SPECIAL WEEKEND PRICE: The Christian SKIN 'Atomic Packs' have 80 skins in them, and for this weekend only, are marked down to 2999L (they go to the usual price of 3999L on Monday)  So guys, hurry up.. girls, drag 'em down there and make them over.. you don't wanna miss this!! Its time for a make-over!!

And I have to give a special thanks to my wonderful assistant! *winks*

What He's Wearing:
Skin and Shape:  Christian - AtomicBambi
Hair:  Broder in Black - The GL
Eyes:  Sawyer Green/Brown - Redgrave
Boxers:  Boxer Briefs in Black - ~simply~


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