Saturday, June 25, 2011

52: Mauve

Two weeks in a row I'm on time!  This is crazy!  It does feel a little weird actually because I've not gotten the chance to see all the other amazing looks people are inspired to put together before I post mine.  But that's ok.  I've said this before.. its funny how things work out while these posts are being created.  I originally purchased this skirt for some other pink color, but then couldn't come up with a look I loved to go with it.. so I didn't use it and its been sitting in my massive, terribly unorganized inventory.  Glad I found it again!

The Stuff:
Skin:  Haiku, Stardust - Heartsick (Geekgasm Hunt)
Makeup:  Eyeshadow Pink - LpD (group gift)
Hair:  Orchid, Champagne (plain) - Truth
Jacket:  Ruffle Bolero, Pink - G Field
Top:  Lace Top "Lucy", Ivory - G Field
Skirt:  Rhapsody, Bloom - The Secret Store
Leggings:  Pink Wool Tights - The Secret Store
Shoes:  Plain Jane, Grapefruit - Cool Beans


  1. Great look, very pretty. I love the little shrug.

  2. Our inventories must meet sometime, they have a lot in common.LOL
    Beautiful outfit, love the colors and the styling. =)
