So, one day, sometime between Christmas and New Years, I log on and just start accepting all those notices without reading ya do. Later, as I'm going through all the notecards I find one from Pixieplumb Flanagan of
Baby Monkey, and she explains that a friend and fellow designer, one I have blogged for a few times in the past, Eclectic Wingtips of
e!, has given her my name. And she dropped a ton of fatpacks on me to share with you. Now, some of you may not know this about me.. but I love shoes...particularly boots. So this was like my own little special Christmas present. Yay shoes! And boots!!
Once I finally found time to play with these offerings, I fell in love. There are sooo many color options.. so many I can't possibly post them all here. What I've tried to do, is show you a few of the various color options from each design, but believe me, there are so many more.
Audrey Pumps
Milana Pumps
Lara Pumps
Madden Pumps
Slouch Socks - Flat
Slouch Socks - Tiptoe (adorable!)
Knit Slouch Boot
Domina Boots
I told you there was a lot!! Definitely worth checking out.. so many options, its crazy! Hop on over to her store and take a look for yourself!! Thanks so much, Pixie, for letting me blog your shoes! And thank you, Eclectic, for passing my name on! *mwah*
The Stuff: